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Jennifer Morrison

Favorites       Jen's Art

Please check out my website at  It will tell you a lot about me, my work, and my beliefs about education and teaching.  You will find interviews, my writing, resume, and items of interest I've posted for my students and colleagues.

Those of you who knew me before I became a teacher may wonder, "Whatever happened to Jen's art?"  It's true...I was once destined to be a great artist.  I can draw and I have an eye for design.  It just turned out that I didn't necessarily have the passion it takes to be a professional in that field.  In truth, there is art to everything I do - from how I teach to how I paint my house to how I design my websites.  It's everywhere, and I love art and the act of making art still, even if it isn't always my own.  A fun day for me is spending hours in a great art museum, analyzing and imagining (see below - me at the Met in 1995).  The images on this page are of paintings made during Picasso's neoclassical period - my favorite, probably because these women remind me of myself.  I snapped them during a 2006 visit to MoMA while I was in NYC.  The top image is called Two Nudes (1906) and the other one is called Three Women at the Spring (1921).  Just for fun and no insult to Picasso intended, check out Mr. PicassoHead, a fun website where you can make and sign your own Picasso style masterpiece. 

I can be reached at

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